Present: Carla, Lara, Gierdre, Gillian, Bethany and Crystal.
We welcome Gillian back after a few weeks off, it’s so nice to have you back in the fold.
- Website Launch
Bethany has been working hard to give us a complete website makeover. We now have a domain name and a completely fresh start when it comes to our blogs. I would love everyone to be as involved as possible so if you’d like to write a blog post please let me or Bethany know. We have since all agreed Bethany should be website manager. We launched the new website at the meeting!
- We have secured funding!
Big thanks to Lara who has been tirelessly filling out application forms as we now have secured over £1000 in funding thanks to the Biochemistry Society and the Chemistry society. Thank you! This money will be really important in achieving our mission to make science more accessible.
- Science Lates
We will be attending the Winter Wonderland event on Friday at Glasgow Science Centre and bringing along our Genetics of Taste and Smell activity. Bethany will be joining us for the first time along with our newest member. Christmas folklore will be featured thanks to Bethany.
- School visits
Schools have got in touch after our advertisement on Twitter and we shall have bookings in the new year so keep your eyes peeled. We will be potentially visiting Dunoon Grammar on the 12th of December but this is TBC.
- Welcome!
We welcome our newest member, Gierdre. She is a physicist! We are very excited to have you as part of the team.
There will be no meeting in December but we may organise a Christmas Lunch! Keep updated on our Facebook page!